Client/ Life Coach Responsibility Agreement


I am a life coach in the state of New Hampshire. I have experience working with individuals, couples, and groups. My coaching is considered spiritual in nature and is not state-licensed psychotherapy. My approach is from a spiritual and alternative perspective, based on transformation, respect, and acceptance. I utilize energy and healing work in my coaching, healing transformational, and personal development practice, and incorporate a variety of coaching techniques both alternative and conventional when indicated.

Relationship between client and life coach   

Spiritual life coaching and healing work may be described as a therapeutic relationship between the client and life coach that facilitates change and transformation.

As a life coach, my role is to assist you, the client, in discovering, processing, and most importantly, changing some of the strategies you use in dealing with your day-to-day life challenges. Part of what life coaching involves is evaluating strategies in your life that work and throwing out those strategies that no longer serve your best interests. Obviously, this evaluative process requires courage and dedication. My role is not to give advice or to provide expert answers; rather my role is to provide a neutral environment that is safe and accepting where you can safely explore these issues.

After identifying the areas in your life that are no longer working you may decide that change is appropriate. Life coaching involves the hard work of change and transformation. Personal growth can be painful and time-consuming, however, the amount of work you invest in life coaching is directly proportional to the amount of benefit you receive.

As with most things in life worth attaining, there are no guarantees and no quick fixes. With hard work and dedication come healing, growth, transformation, and learning. By providing guidance, understanding, acceptance, respect, and empathetic listening, I can serve you in your journey towards transformation.

Goals, Purposes, and Risks of the life coaching sessions

Together we will explore your desired outcomes, or goals, for life coaching. One of my goals for you, the client, is to attain a level of self-acceptance that will promote your own independence and help you develop your own problem-solving abilities.  One of my main roles as a life coach is to guide you in the process of self-exploration while providing a safe, accepting environment. In order for you to see yourselves clearly, you must step outside of yourselves and look in.  Life coaching will help you see yourself from an outside perspective.  At times, a natural part of life coaching work will involve processing painful emotions. You may experience intense feelings of sadness, grief, guilt, shame, anger, rage, fear, or anxiety.  These reactions are a normal part of processing experiences and are an invaluable tool in life coaching work.

Moreover, you may also choose to make life-altering decisions that may affect people close to you. You may experience some or all of these risks. It is my firmly held conviction that, in life coaching work, problems can become the very places to discover growth, wisdom, and understanding. Please remember that as a life coach, I will be traveling with you on this journey of self-discovery.  I commend you for taking the first step.

Clients Responsibility

In order to receive the maximum benefit from the life coaching provided, I will ask for your commitment to adhering strictly to the following procedures:

  1. Appointments will be scheduled at the end of each session
  2. Please arrive promptly to all life coaching sessions. I will wait approximately 15 minutes after the scheduled start of the session in case you arrive late.  After 15 minutes I will consider you a no-show and your appointment will be canceled.
  3. Please notify me at least 24 hours prior to the life coaching session if you cannot attend. You will be charged the full fee for the session if you do not call me to cancel with at least a 24-hour notice prior to the session.  Failure to keep two consecutive appointments is cause for concern and may result in termination of the life coaching relationship.
  4. Life coaching sessions will last for approximately 60 minutes unless we make other arrangements prior to the scheduled appointment.
  5. The number of sessions varies with each client. Termination generally occurs when the goals have been met. You have the right to terminate life coaching at any time. Either you or I may suspend, terminate, or initiate a referral at any time in the life coaching process. Please feel free to discuss any of these options with me openly at any time.
  6. Please disclose any related help, therapy, counseling, or treatment that you may be undergoing. If you are seeking help from a psychotherapist, counselor, or psychiatrist, it is important for me to know that you are working with them.  If you decide to change the professional therapy you currently are receiving, you must first discuss that with the psychotherapist, counselor, or psychiatrist you are working with. Please advise me of any relevant medical condition you may have or medications that you are taking that could affect the life coaching process.
  7. Please complete all homework assignments.
  8.  Please bring a writing tablet and pen to each session.

Fees and Payments

For each individual session, there is a flat fee.  However, extreme financial hardship will be evaluated on a case-to-case basis and may permit you to be billed on a sliding scale if you qualify.

Payment is expected at the beginning of each appointment. I accept PayPal cash or checks.

If you have questions or concerns about fees or payment please feel free to discuss this with me openly.


I will hold all information you disclose in our session confidential to persons outside of the sessions.  However, among participating members of the session, I will use my judgment in disclosing any circumstances relayed to me by a member of the family.

Contact us at: {} for questions related to refunds and returns.